Game background

You are diving in submarine infested water.
You must remove all submarines by clicking on them.

You are accompanied by a dive team.
They are attached to you via lengths of stretchy cords.
If any of your dive team are hit by the mine, you loose.
As you progress up through the 6 levels, your dive team will increase in size.

For a higher score, you must take less time.

Click the 'Start the game' link to begin.


In the higher levels, it may help to circle the mouse around the inside of the game area. The divers should splay around the outside out of view and not pass in the way of the bomb. Click the submarines as you pass.

What you are aiming for is something like the score table shown above.

If you want to take a break, you can do so in between levels. If you want to leave it and come back to it later, make a note of the 'Total saved score' and the level number you are currently working on. eg. If you have just completed level 4 then the level you are on is now 5, but if you failed to complete level 4, the level you are on is 4. You can use the form on the bottom left when you start to fill in the score and level number. When you click 'Start the game' it will have your 'saved' level and score.